Beginner's guide - How to start a blog and earn?
Nowadays, as the internet is fastly growing, we can see a lot of new blogs are adding to the list day by day. But most of them are not going to hang for long on the business. Because although it is very easy to start a blog it is not so easy to maintain it. Because finding content to write is a lot of time-consuming and difficult task for most beginners.
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Clearly, the issue is that blogging should be for someone who enjoys writing about his or her passions and knowledge. However, well over 90% of first-time bloggers do so only with the intention of making money from it. We're not saying that thinking about making money from your blog is a terrible idea or that you shouldn't think about it. What we're trying to convey is that when you start a blog, you should have a clear idea of what you want to write about and why.
Otherwise, by the time you have 5-6 articles on your blog, you will run out of content to write and will abandon your blog. That is the truth, whether you like it or not.
How to blog? - what internet tells you to do vs what you should do?
As a beginner, When starting to blog first thing anyone does is searching on the internet "how to blog?". For any blogger that is the first step.
But the problem here is that when you search on the internet there are lots of advice and you cannot decide what to choose. But as you begin to read more and more, you will get to know that for starting a blog, as many sites describe first you have to find a niche which you can monetize. Some niches can give you more money than others.
When you see that, what you do next is googling the most profitable niches, and you will end up with many lists including but not limited to niches like personal fitness, foods, traveling, health, etc.
Then you will choose the niche which can give you a lot of money from those lists because it is the most convenient thing to do.
As the second step, you will have to choose a blogging platform and a domain for your blog. So you may search for that too, and you will see that there are hundreds of blogging sites and domain providers to choose from. Most of the time you will see that the best one is always a paid solution. So you might go to a platform like "WordPress" or something similar and start a blog and pay for the hosting and also buy a domain and start blogging. Very easy, isn't it?
But now the problem starts, although you have put a few posts to your blog, no one is coming to your site so there is no traffic. when there is no traffic you cannot earn money. So you have to google again for "how to earn from blogging?", "how to get more traffic to my blog?"
And now Google will show you it doesn't matter what you write, you have to rank your site on search engines, so the "search engine optimization" or SEO comes on, to do that you have to find keywords, and to do keyword research you have to buy more tools. And also you will see that you have to have good domain authority, to increase your domain authority you have to build a strong "backlink profile".
It is not so easy to find a keyword that also can give you traffic and at the same time rank you high. It is nearly impossible because for every keyword opportunity you will find there will be some giant whale websites that dominate the niche you have selected and you cannot overdo them.
Now, most sites will advise you to do some dirty tricks like clustering your keyword more and more or modifying your post with synonyms and other things so that it will show on the first page of google.
That is the process you have to go through If you are new to blogging and you google for everything. But the most important question is, will you be victorious after doing all of this, we doubt so. Because the internet is very vast and there are millions of sites and billions of web content for each niche so there is more chance of you failing than succeeding.
What we suggest you is to forget everything you show while searching for blogging. Do a brainstorm and find what you love. And most importantly what you know. As a trick, try to find a micro-niche of the niche you chose to write. It will be easier for you to rank your site in the future than writing about a whole niche.
As a beginner, when you looking for the platform for your blog we recommend you to find a free blogging site like "blogger" which you can use for free and you don't have to have any special technical knowledge of blogging. Therefore you do not have to worry about anything other than content writing. And for the domain, it is better, for now, to stay with the domain which your blogger gives you freely therefore in a case where you change your heart there will be no cost at all for you. You can go for a paid domain at any time you want so don't overthink about it for now.
How to write a good blog post which can be ranked on search engines as a beginner? - Do you really need keyword research before writing a blog article?
When writing your post don't worry about ranking your site on search engines or finding keywords because as we said earlier, it is more time-consuming, and also it is not worth it.
Unless you have at least over 75 rated domain authority you cannot rank your site on good keywords. Keyword researching is for experienced bloggers, as you are only beginning your blog, Just try posting more and more content on the blog. Keywords will be automatically added. Search engines today are more advanced than you think. They are searching for articles more search relevant rather than shooting for some keywords. If you try to do keyword research you will find that not only it takes hours to find a keyword for you, also how competitive is a good keyword. So do not waste your time or money on that. Instead, use that time to write about what you know and love. You will find many sites saying that more words on your article are better. But we value quality over quantity every time. The most important is the uniqueness and the value of the content on your article for the users.
- Always, Try to make your content more user intended. The best way we found for finding keywords and phrases which drive traffic to your site is to use google. Since Google is the most used search engine today. "People also ask for" and "related search" on google are the only tools you will ever need to find actually what need to be written.
- writing your article, find a title more eye-catching and stands out, with a total number of characters on it below 70. The title is also more important because when a user search for something on a search engine, before the content what they see is the title. So a good title always attracts more traffic to you.
- "On-page SEO" is always a good tactic to follow. Try to answer the questions that people actually have. We have found that you can use the terms you found on "People also ask for" and "related search" options on google for your sub-headings and you can plan the article accordingly. Since your article is based on real-time searches and what people actually looking for, If you can write a unique and accurate post, your post is more likely to be ranked high on search engines.
- If you have only a little knowledge on your subject but still you want to write on it, we recommend you to do more research on what you are writing and learn before you write. Because the most important thing is giving your readers accurate and valuable content rather than copy-pasting something you found on the internet without adding any value to it. Search engines are getting more and more smart daily so no matter how you tricked them to get your post ranked, your post will be pushed further and further down in the search results unless your content carries a good value on it.
- If you are aiming to Monetize your blog you should always prioritize giving your users a good experience on your blog and make them revisit your site. Especially do not copy-paste content from somewhere else without the permission of owners and mentioning it. Because it is both unethical and illegal.
- Avoiding duplicate content on your posts as long as possible is a good practice for writing content that can be ranked high on search engines. That doesn't mean you cannot improvise from some other sources. simply just don't copy and paste them.
- Adding some copyright-free images cannot do any harm to your post but remember to limit the number of photos and to use the best formats and compress them to minimum size as they can slow your page loading speed which can later lead to cost you the ranking.
- Before posting your article always add a good search description(meta) and permalink to it so that the search engine can understand your content well. Try to update your blog regularly so that the returning users always have something new to read.
To learn more about writing a good blog post read our article on The complete guide to blog post writing.
How to improve your domain authority as a beginner?
When it comes to domain authority, it is also as hard as finding a keyword. Link building can sometimes make you so frustrated. What we believe is if you have content which no one has and it carries value for the users, your link profile will naturally grow.
But it is not advised to use the methods like commenting on other sites and forums with links to your site, as search engines can easily understand the type of your backlinks. Actually, what going to happen is you doing more harm than good to your domain authority. Try to be more genuine and ask for guest posting, or giving missing content for a site and building links through them.
You will find lots of paid services on the internet that provide link building services but as a beginner we strongly recommend you, it is better to avoid such services before getting good experience in blogging as you can be a target for scammers.
Building good authority to your domain cannot be done in a day or two. You should be more patient. If you are good at what you do you can build your backlink profile quickly.
How to earn money from blogging as a beginner?
There are lots of methods you can monetize your blog. After you have gained some experience and also your blog starts to get some traffic you can think about monetizing your blog. Before monetizing if you haven't done it already it is better to get a custom domain for your blog. You will find many providers on the internet. Look for easy to remember and short domain names.
The most common methods of monetizing we see today are affiliate marketing and advertising. If you search for it on the internet you will find lots of affiliate programs and advertising programs. If you have good traffic and valuable content you can also look for earn through members-only content, paid downloads, publish sponsored content, or even accept donations.
To learn more about getting approved from adsense read our article on How easy to get approved from adsense?
When it comes to affiliate marketing always be truthful about the product you are marketing. That way you can gain trust from your readers and it will lead to more traffic to you. More traffic means more money to you.
If you think your blog is ready you can submit your blog for a program like Google's Adsense and start showing ads to your readers. Sometimes too much advertising can annoy your readers so always think about the experience a reader will have when they come to your blog.
Read further on our post about Blogger: Beginner to Pro
In conclusion, what we recommend to you is that if you are a beginner in blogging.
- Don't worry about anything else other than writing.
- Always think before you invest. Don't try to do everything quickly just wait till you get the experience.
- Keyword researches are not for beginners, let the whales deal with them and stick to what you know and love.
- Always prioritize what the readers want.
- Tricks and short methods can benefit you in short term sometimes but they will fail in the long term.
- Be ethical and avoid illegal blogging.
Your ideas matters