Getting a healthy and shiny hair: Natural Ayurvedic homemade cures

 Women always use different methods to be attractive and make themselves more noticeable. Especially their hair and face. Some women also face many problems when using cosmetics that are made using chemicals. But in Ayurveda treatments, such problems do not arise. So do you know that there are a few natural Ayurvedic remedies that can be easily made at home and applied to your hair and make it stunning?

Hair style - Getting healthy and shiny hairline - Natural  Ayurvedic homemade remedies to stop the hair fall -
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Getting a healthy and shiny hair: Natural  Ayurvedic homemade remedies to stop hair fall.

A Woman with a healthy hair is always naturally attracted by others, so being the owner of a healthy hair will always be added advantage to your look.

Why does hair fall out?

Hair loss is a problem for many women. But an average of 75, 100 hair losses per day should not be a problem. If you feel like you are losing more than that per day you should consider getting some treatments.

Read our article about Beauty Secrets of Guava Leaves to find out some more amazing homemade remedies to control hair fall.

However, there could be a variety of causes for hair loss. One reason for this is a lack of hemoglobin. More iron and calcium-rich foods, such as milk, eggs, Spanish leaves, green leaves, and other herbs, should be included in the diet. In addition to hair loss caused by insomnia, stress, vitamin deficiency, and insufficient water intake, some hair care products and shampoos can also cause hair loss.

Here are some remedies from Ayurveda which you can try on your own at home for controlling the hair fall and getting a healthy hair.  

Natural oil (Coconut oil or olive oil) care

This is one of the best hair care treatments for anyone experiencing moderate to severe hair loss who wants to keep their hair healthy and shiny. For this, you should use pure coconut oil or olive oil.

Clean the scalp thoroughly, then use a piece of cotton to apply one of these two types of oil to the scalp. After applying the oil to the hair, bend over and comb the head twenty-five times per minute with a large-tooth comb. 5 minutes should be spent combing the hair. It is never a good idea to do so while bending the legs at the knees. Perform this exercise three times per week, in the morning and evening. Your hair will no longer fall out. In addition, after massaging the hair, completely wrap the head in a warm towel. Then, using a gentle shampoo, wash your hair.

Homemade ointment that prevents hair loss


  • 02 tablespoons pure coconut oil
  • 02 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 01 tablespoon castor oil
  • 01 teaspoon of Fried nut grass powder
  • A capsule of vitamin E

How to make:  

Mix in the 2 tablespoons pure coconut oil, 2 tablespoons sesame oil, and 1 teaspoon Fried nut grass powder. Then, on the stove, heat the mixture. To the heated pan, add castor oil and a vitamin E capsule. When the mixture is ready, apply it to your scalp with a piece of cotton or your fingers. After that, massage for 10 to 15 minutes. Allow the oil mixture to sit on your scalp for about 2 hours. Then, using a suitable shampoo, wash it off. This treatment should be repeated twice a week. You can achieve healthy, black, mature hair with this treatment.

Homemade Shoe flower (hibiscus Flower) Conditioner


  • 10-15 clusters of dark red Shoe flower (Hibiscus Flower)
  • 04 small cups of well-boiled water
  • 02 well-ripened limes

How to make: 

In a pot, combine 4 cups of well-boiled water with the Shoe flower (hibiscus Flower) and bring to a boil. Allow to cool before removing the flowers. Mix the juice of a lime in a bowl of water with the remaining Shoe flower (hibiscus Flower) extract. Allow the mixture to heat in the sun before applying it to the scalp and massaging it in. The reaming can be bottled and refrigerated for later use. Before applying this to your scalp, thoroughly wash your hair. For best results, do this at least twice a week.

It is not necessary to wash your hair immediately after applying it to your scalp. Can be kept until the next day's bath. If it bothers you, take a small amount (2 cups) of water and wash it off after about 10 minutes of application. However, prolonged washing does not produce the desired results.

What should you do to prevent dry hair and split ends?

Often women have to deal with the problems caused by dry hair conditions. Losing the luster and having split ends are few difficulties that come with lack of nutrition and aging. Following are some proven hair masks you can make on your own at home very easily. Women with dry hair can achieve better results by performing these treatments.

Hair Mask 01 - using milk


  • 04 tablespoons of milk
  • 01 egg yolk
  • 02 tablespoons of water
  • 02 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 04 tablespoons of glycerin
  • 02 tablespoons of castor oil

How to make: 

Mix everything well. Apply the mixture evenly on the middle and ends of well-cleaned hair. Comb the head with a large-toothed comb. Then let stand for about 30 minutes. Cover your hair with a towel soaked in lukewarm water and leave it for about 10 minutes. Finally, rinse with clean water.

Hair Mask 02 - using banana


  • Half of a well-ripened banana
  • 04 tablespoons of yogurt
  • 02 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 02 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 02 tablespoons of bee honey

How to make: 

Finely mash half of the bananas. Add the other ingredients and make the mixture into a pulp. Apply the mixture evenly on the middle and ends of well-cleaned hair. Cover your hair with a towel soaked in lukewarm water and leave it for about 10 minutes. Remove the towel and leave the hair to rest for about 10 minutes. Finally, rinse with clean water.

Hair Mask 03 - using avocado


  • Half of an avocado
  • 01 egg yolk
  • 02 tablespoons of olive oil

How to make: 

Mash the avocado well. Add egg yolk and olive oil, mix well and make a pulp. Apply the mixture evenly on the middle and ends of well-cleaned hair. Cover your hair with a towel soaked in lukewarm water and leave it for about 10 minutes. Remove the towel and leave the hair to rest for about 10 minutes. Finally, rinse with clean water.

Hair Mask 04 - using neem leaves and sandalwood


  • Few neem leaves
  • 02 tablespoons of finely grounded sandalwood powder
  • 04 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 04 tablespoons of lemon juice

How to make: 

Clean the neem leaves well, then grind it and squeeze the juice and make about 04 tablespoons of tick neem leaves juice. Then mix other ingredients with it and mix well. Apply the mixture evenly on the middle and ends of well-cleaned hair. Rinse the hair with clean water after about 10 minutes.

Hair Mask 05 - using apple and vegetable oil


  • About half an apple
  • 04 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 02 tablespoons of gelatin
  • 02 tablespoons of lemon juice

How to make: 

Extract juice from an apple using a juicer or an easy method you prefer. Add the rest of the ingredients to the juice and mix well. Rub it on the middle and end of your well-cleaned hair. Keep it for few minutes and rinse it well with clean water.

Hair Mask 06 - using natural henna powder.


  • 04 tablespoons of natural henna powder
  • 04 tablespoons of coffee powder
  • 04 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 02 tablespoons of yogurt

How to make: 

Mix everything well and rub gently on the middle and end of the hair. Wait about 30 minutes. And rinse it with clean water.

You can read more on Natural, ayurvedic homemade remedies in our following articles





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